6 Tips for Designing Landing Pages Appealing to Diverse Audiences

Landing page design plays a crucial role in conversion optimization. If you aren’t able to match search intent and provide your target audience with the kind of content they are looking for, you won’t be able to rank high in search results either. What happens when you are trying to appeal to a diverse audience? Do you need to create a separate landing page for every audience segment, or is there a way to design and compose landing pages to appeal to more than one? Here are our six tips for creating landing pages that will attract a diverse audience:

Speak to Various Audience Segments

The first and most obvious way to design landing pages that appeal to multiple audience segments is to speak to all of them in turn. This does not mean you need to clutter your page with multiple messages or use more than one tone of voice. That would be the completely wrong approach. 

Instead, what you should do is ask yourself: What are the unique pain points of these diverse audience members? What are they looking to solve, and how is your product or service going to help them do it? Look at this page on mouth strips. They list four distinct benefits of using the product: it promotes nose breathing, it reduces snoring with an open mouth, it makes wearing a CPAP machine more comfortable, and it improves sleep quality.

Speak to Various Audience Segments

Not everyone who is looking to buy a mouth strip will be using a CPAP machine. Not everyone will be trying to stop their snoring. Some people will just want to breathe through their nose at night. However, by addressing all of these various benefits, the brand has effectively addressed a diverse audience. 

Provide Useful Guides

If your diverse audience segments have varying levels of knowledge and understanding of your product, you can address the issue by creating useful guides for each of them. You can do this on separate pages in the form of blog posts, but you can also place them right on your product and product category pages.

That way, you will ensure your visitors see them right when they need them most, i.e., when they are trying to make the right purchasing decision. Make sure to take into account the various questions different audience members are likely to have. Use an easy-to-understand language, and don’t use too much jargon, even if a part of your audience would be comfortable with it. For example, this pitching machine balls category page offers some great guidance. If you are not a baseball pro, you may not know that you can buy dimpled balls or low-profile seam baseballs that will go into your pitching machine.

Provide Useful Guides

The guide is short and to the point, clearly outlining what the differences between these two kinds of balls are and when you might want to use them. You are also recommended a couple of products and can proceed to buy the right kind of ball for your needs.

Answer Customer Questions

You can further adapt the above tactic and create an FAQ section on your landing pages. It should answer all of those questions you are expecting to get from a large volume of people, who may be wondering whether or not the product or service is right for them. This section allows you to jump from one topic to another, so to speak, and you don’t have to worry about thought order and hierarchy as much as you do on the rest of a landing page. You are free to address various audience segments easily, without it sounding like a bunch of hodgepodge. 

Take this page on the keyword research features of an SEO tool, for example. They answer questions asked by different kinds of audiences. The “Does your tool understand search intent?” question is asked by someone who knows a lot about SEO and how ranking works. On the other hand, the “Why should I use this tool?” question is clearly intended to speak to someone who might be new to keyword optimization and is not sure of its benefits yet.

Answer Customer Questions

Make It Easy to Get in Touch

No matter what you say on a landing page or how good of a job you do at addressing various pain points and speaking to a diverse audience, you will never be able to touch upon every important point.  Some customers will have more questions, and depending on the nature of your business, they may be very specific to their situation and needs. 

When this is the case, the best thing you can do is make it easy to get in touch with you. You also need to ensure that your customer care team is armed with all the right answers and ready to assist all kinds of customers. Check out this bulk citric acid page. It describes what the product is and how best to use it. However, since it’s a specific product that has many uses, the brand has also provided an “ask an expert” option. They show that they are on hand to provide more detailed answers and discuss each case with buyers at length. 

Write Use Cases

Another great way to appeal to diverse audiences is to write use cases for each segment. You will need to place them somewhere website visitors can easily reach them (like your main menu or footer). 

They don’t need to go into too much detail. All you need to do is address the functionalities and benefits of your product or service as they pertain to the different needs of your leads. This will make your customers feel reassured, as you’ve taken the time to show they are the ones the product or service was made for. Jasper does this well with their use cases. They are simple and demonstrate how different goals can be achieved by using their AI solution.

Write Use Cases

Since this is still new territory and quite a novel tool for a lot of people, they have found just the right balance between tech speak and focusing on real-life benefits and functionalities. 

Show Testimonials from Various Types of Customers

If your product or service can be used by a wide range of customers, sometimes you don’t have to keep saying this at every turn. All you need to do is show your website visitors who can use the product and how. Customer testimonials can come in handy here. If you segment them cleverly, they can show your leads how others, just like them, have used your brand to achieve their goals. Since testimonials are one of the best types of social proof as well, you’ll be achieving two marketing goals at the same time.

Ahrefs does this very well, for example. Their homepage features a testimonials section where they quote pro SEOs, content marketers, agency owners, and SaaS and e-commerce users. All of them speak highly of the tool, but it’s the segmentation that matters. It clearly shows how diverse the tool is and how it can be used by a wide variety of people.

Show Testimonials from Various Types of Customers

Wrapping Up 

Consider these landing page design tips when you next embark on creating one. They can help you attract and keep the attention of a diverse audience and allow you to communicate your message clearly and effectively. 

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.