Top 8 Social Media Tactics to Skyrocket Your Website Leads

Social Media tactics to skyrocket website lead generation

When you hear ‘lead generation,’ social media is the last thing that comes to mind. Businesses have been using social media to reach audiences and grow their business. Therefore, to drive conversions, enterprisers have to target the right audience through certain lead-generation strategies. You cannot reach the right audience and drive website leads for your business by just posting on social media. By leveraging a social media lead-generation tactical plan, you can reach customers who are actually interested in your business. It does not matter what your business is; any business that uses social media can generate leads through it.

In this article, we will give a detailed overview of the social media tactics plan that can skyrocket your website leads. This guide is compiled by experts at The Academic Papers UK. Continue reading for proven strategies that worked for leads.

8 Best Social Media Tactics for Your Website Leads

Whether you need social media leads for B2B or B2C marketing campaigns, the strategies we cover here will help you increase your business's sales.

1. Create a Marketing Strategy for Social Media

Developing a marketing plan is the first step toward your successful social media leads campaign. You must determine your target audience, marketing goals, content marketing strategy, and posting plan. Creating a social media marketing plan will enable you to deliver value to your customers.

The first thing you need to do for a marketing strategy that increases your revenue is to set your goals. Your goal will identify your marketing objectives, such as awareness, traffic, leads, or sales. Your goal and objectives will further decide the social media platforms that best suit your audience. If you want to target a B2B audience, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) are better options, while for a B2C audience, platforms like Meta (Facebook & Instagram) and Tok-tok are more effective.

To make your strategy more relevant to your target audience, decide your publishing plan, educational, promotional, or entertaining content, and finalize it according to your audience's interests. Now, take the final step and plan a posting schedule.

2. Publish Relevant Content

Another tactic for generating leads is to start creating relevant content to implement your content strategy. That not only resonates with the interests of your target audience but also aligns with your marketing objectives. Publishing engaging content that appeals to your audience and sparks interest in them will generate qualified leads and sales for you.

Here is the advice to make your content engaging and appealing:

a. Research user behaviors and interests

b. Use multiple publishing formats (videos, images, blogs, infographics)

c. Use attractive visuals

After publishing relevant and engaging content, keep tracking the performance.

Social Media tactics for tracking the performance

3. Run Social Media Contests and Giveaways

An engaged audience is the best audience for lead generation. Having a vast audience does not help until they engage with your posts. Using contests and giveaways is another strategy to not only engage your audience but drive actions out of them, i.e. leads and sales.

Develop a sense of competition and challenge in your audience, and place rewards for engaging with your post (comment, share, or follow) or any action you want them to perform. To run a result-oriented contest, prepare a clear promotion plan (you might have seen Amazon sellers doing promotions for their giveaways) and entry guidelines.

Once you have planned the whole strategy, prepare to promote the contest/giveaway on different social media channels to increase engagement and participation. By doing this you can increase brand awareness and build a loyal audience base for your business, which will further drive results for you.

4. Share Client Reviews and Testimonials

Testimonials tell the story to your customers of what the brand has been and make a promise of what is coming their way. Customer reviews have been a powerful marketing tool for businesses for many years. Do not hang back from using it for your benefit and share your success stories and customer wins on social media.

Client-win stories not only build customer trust in you as a brand but also (act as social proof) encourage potential buyers to take action. This strategy will educate your customers about how you helped your previous customers and how you will do the same for them as well. To make the testimonials more result-oriented, share reviews that talk about your possible lead's pain points.

A video testimonial is most likely to convert more if your buyer is in the decision stage, there is a 66.6% chance that he will buy your product/service. According to a source, a video testimonial can increase the buying intent by 92%. If you are low on budget, a graphic with a client's image can do the same job for you. Adding a client name, a picture, and a position name can be effective in giving the testimonial a personal touch.

5. ‘Go Live’ Across Platforms

Interacting with your audience in real-time and directly is a great tool for building trust, a loyal customer base, and social media lead generation. Compared to static ads, live streams perform better in terms of customer interaction.

If customers can ask questions they may have directly from the brand and get an immediate answer, it will skyrocket their trust in the brand. From the business point of view, you will get the opportunity to show yourself as an authority in the field and gather real-time feedback.

Gather real-time feedback to Skyrocket website leads

6. Algorithm Reach and Optimisation

Different social media platforms have different user algorithms; you need different strategies for each of them. But the things that remain constant in their recipe is a preference for consistency and quality. If you keep up a regular publishing schedule and continue posting helpful content, social media algorithms will most likely start liking you expand your audience spectrum, and prioritize your posts over other businesses.

This expanded range of vision will improve your reach and engagement, attract new followers, and generate leads. Consistent signals towards algorithms that your account is active, engaging, and relevant, will improve your visibility in search results and feed.

7. Generate Targeted Social Media Ads

If you are desperate for leads and need quick results, you must give a chance to social media ads. There is an assumption that social media algorithms will only help you reach the right audience if you run ad campaigns. We totally agree with this assumption; social media platforms have their business models, and they will not give everything for free.

With social media advertisement, you get access to multiple targeting options. You will be able to target audiences from specific regions and demographics i.e., behaviors and interests. Targeted ads will improve your conversion rate and boost your sales.

When writing ad copy, use clear and easy language. If you are not an expert writer, you can assign this copywriting assignment to a professional assignment writer. They know how to write the winning copies.  Depending on the audience, Facebook and Instagram ads generate well-qualified leads for B2C audiences, while LinkedIn gives an average conversion rate of 13% for B2B or professional audiences.

8. Leverage Influencer Marketing

The use of Influencer marketing to grab new audiences and expand your reach has increased for different businesses. By cooperating with industry influencers, you can reach their current audience and gain more trust and credibility.

You will gain the trust of their vast audience, which will drive you good traffic and engagement. To get an advantage in influencer marketing, you need to find well-reputed influencers who not only have a wide audience but also have some reputation and respect in the industry. Plus, they must have been making content that matches your audience's interest and your brand values.

Develop an influencer marketing strategy that helps you meet your expectations and goals. To get the influencers on board, you can use social media PR tactics i.e., sending free products and services, offering affiliate commissions, or paying for sponsored posts.

Social Media: advantages and disadvantages in Skyrocketing website leads

Famous Social Media Lead Generation Tools

There are many social media tools, but they cannot generate leads alone; you can use these tools for different purposes in the lead-generation process.

Here are some tools to make your social media leads for the website easy:

a. Hootsuite

b. HubSpot

c. Buffer

d. Leadpages

e. ManyChat

f. Sendible

To find trending content and active influencers, you can use tools like BuzzSumo.


To conclude the topic, social media has great potential to be used as a lead-generation tool if used correctly. Many strategies can help this process, and we have discussed eight of them step by step. From developing a winning content marketing strategy to getting the benefit of influencer marketing as the last tool, we have given every possible detail about each tactic.

Lead generation for websites is one of the trending topics of the era. Universities and colleges teach such strategies to the students and often ask them to write assignments according to their understanding. If you are already busy with your job and unable to complete your writing tasks, we suggest you seek assignment writing help from professionals. In this way, you will be able to concentrate on your job and ultimately get good marks in your coursework.

About the Author


Priyanka Jain, Content Marketer

Priyanka is a Content Marketer by profession. Priyanka helps with creating new content and auditing existing content for online businesses. She is passionate about writing and creates content that is SEO optimized. Priyanka is responsible for creating new, original, high-quality content for the website with proper keyword research and auditing the existing content to make it quality content.