From Cloud to Commerce: Business Growth Strategies Unveiled

Source: Canva

To reduce financial costs and increase productivity, companies use cloud technologies. This allows you to optimize work processes and speed up the processing of vast information. We will examine how cloud technologies affect a company's activities, benefits, and associated risks.

General information

Cloud technologies allow you to rent information technologies instead of purchasing them. Organizations are given access to data through the cloud to avoid investing money in infrastructure. And you can only pay based on the use of resources. Cloud technologies include the following components:

1. Servers;

2. Storage facilities;

3. Database;

4. Innovative technologies;

5. Software;

6. Analytical capabilities.

This provides increased data processing speed, the ability to change scale, etc. The company will also be able to effectively develop and use innovative technologies. Such opportunities will lead to business development and increased financial profits.

If an organization migrates to the cloud, the entire infrastructure will not belong to the company but to the cloud technology provider. The supplier will manage the organization's infrastructure, integrate applications, and develop innovative functionality.

Consequently, the company can save money on purchasing and maintaining its infrastructure. By the way, the best method to make a smooth transition to the cloud is to consider working with a cloud partner (such as to get support throughout the migration process.

Benefits of Cloud Adoption

Some aspects are forcing companies to move to the cloud. Considering the intensive development of competing organizations, not all companies can adapt and meet modern requirements. Therefore, to ensure competitiveness, it is necessary to use cloud technologies.

This improves productivity and the ability to cope with complex tasks. The use of cloud computing has advantages and additional capabilities.

Saving money

The company will be able to reduce costs – using cloud services; payment will be charged only for the actual use of the cloud and the provider's equipment. Compared to the traditional approach, vast amounts of money are invested in creating and maintaining infrastructure.

Cloud computing is regularly updated with innovative options. Thus, it is possible to use the updated application, in which you do not have to invest additional funds. It also saves money that would be invested in expanding or upgrading infrastructure.


Cloud services provide access to various technology solutions. It allows you to use innovative technologies and solve complex problems. You can deploy many of the resources needed for a specific activity. This flexibility will ensure a quick transition from goal to solution and speed up business transformation to meet particular requirements.


Scalability of Ideas - THE WAVES

The implementation of cloud solutions will allow the company to scale:

1. Add users;

2. Expand the range of products in the application;

3. Add video content or presentations;

4. Include additional functionality in the software.

All this is possible without upgrading or expanding the infrastructure (if it belonged to the company). If there is a need to reduce costs, adjustments in the opposite direction are made quickly. That is, cloud resources can scale based on current business conditions. This allows timely transformation depending on changes in the load on the system (fluctuations in consumer demand).

The implementation of an email archival system complements the scalability of cloud solutions by enhancing storage management. This ensures seamless scalability as the company grows, without the burden of expanding infrastructure solely for email storage needs.

Fast Deployment

Thanks to cloud technologies, you can quickly expand the geographic territory of your company. Dispersing cloud applications as close as possible to the points of consumption will help improve company efficiency and reduce implementation delays.

By leveraging the expertise of cloud migration consulting companies, organizations can streamline the transition to the cloud, minimizing downtime and ensuring that applications and services are up and running in the shortest time possible. These consulting companies provide tailored strategies and solutions that not only expedite the migration process but also optimize the cloud environment to meet specific business needs.

Cloud business applications CRM, ERP, and analytics

Various cloud applications enable a company to run its business efficiently. A CRM application helps you retain and attract new customers. The priority of this strategy in the company's activities is the client and their needs. This is how the business expansion policy is formed.

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The ERP application allows you to manage and automate business processes across an enterprise. All financial transactions are handled, and production and sales are controlled. The company will be able to engage in planning and resource allocation fully. The provider provides advanced software functionality for all the company's central processes.

The company uses powerful analytical and data visualization tools capable of processing large volumes of information. It lets you speed up the analysis process to make business decisions and build commercial strategies. Such analytics will enable you to control the company's activities and increase financial profit.

Source: Canva

Key challenges and risks of using the cloud

Despite the many benefits of cloud technologies, some things could be improved. It must be considered, and its possible impact must be minimized when implementing the cloud. Let's look at the main difficulties.


There is a risk that the supplier has access to confidential information. This is because data is processed on its equipment, and it is impossible to control its actions physically. Therefore, you should protect yourself from this negative possibility:

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1. Encrypt data;

2. Delete accounts created by the supplier from the virtual server;

3. Block access to the database at the network level;

4. Monitor the integrity of the software;

5. Provide multi-level identification when accessing the cloud.

These measures minimize the risks to access to confidential company information.

Access to the service

Technical failures in the service provider's infrastructure may make the company's service available to third parties. To reduce this risk, you should back up your data and source code outside your service provider's coverage area. Monitoring notifications from the vendor regarding hardware or software problems is also essential.

Overcharge for cloud use

The convenience and speed of using cloud technologies is a huge advantage. Therefore, controlling resource extraction is essential; otherwise, there will be an automatic excess of used resources when there is no need. It will entail a significant increase in the cost of the cloud. It is necessary to limit resources in advance to extract what is needed. It is also essential to control the load on virtual servers.

Unauthorized software modification

Software is the basis of cloud services. However, risks are associated with changing and including malicious code in software. You must control the source code repository and the container registry to protect the software. The integrity of the software must be maintained.

Business growth strategies

Each organization has its own needs and priorities: security, operations optimization, or increasing the consumer audience. Therefore, choosing a cloud service depends on the company's primary criteria. Also, placing all data in the cloud is only sometimes necessary. Sometimes, it is enough to put only a specific part of them.

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Let's consider possible scenarios when using cloud services:

1. The cloud is a backup platform. Creating a sustainable infrastructure within a company is an expensive undertaking. Therefore, the best option would be to use the cloud to create a backup platform. If there is a failure in the central infrastructure, the backup platform will immediately continue to operate. For large companies, this is the best option.

2. The cloud is a platform for stressful workloads. Organizations experience peak loads – a periodic decline in load with its sharp increase. For such cases, applications used during periods of overload can be placed in the cloud. These applications will connect only when needed, and the underlying infrastructure will run efficiently.

3. Cloud is a deployment area. Companies that deploy products may need more in-house space for this process. Therefore, the cloud will be the place where a giant project will be created.

The business growth strategy strongly depends on the characteristics of your company, so it is selected individually for each client. Experienced specialists should first analyze your project and then develop a development strategy.

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.