How to Finally Get Your Lead Magnet Created 

Lead generation

Lead magnets are powerful tools for attracting new sales leads. 


The premise of lead magnets is simple. You create and give away a free item or service in order to gain people’s contact details. 


For instance, you could give out a free PDF guide, a trial subscription, or an e-newsletter in return for a prospect’s email address. 


You can then use the contact information to get in touch with the potential leads and convert them into paying customers. 


Whatever kind of lead magnet you create and whatever kind of contact information you are after, creating lead magnets has one goal: to maximize the number of targeted leads you can generate. 


You may have been considering creating a lead magnet for some time. But you may have been put off because you are unsure of how to come up with an effective lead magnet strategy. Well, if that is the case, check out the following helpful guide on how to finally get your lead magnet created.

Delegate Drafting the Lead Magnet to a Team Member

While you can use the following steps to create a lead magnet yourself, it is a good idea to delegate the drafting of your lead magnet to a team member who can spend all of his or her time on the project. 


Some marketers do not put much thought or effort into creating lead magnets at all. So, it is important that you choose someone who has the appropriate marketing experience and managerial qualities. 


When you utilize the skills and know-how of a team member with an excellent track record, you can be sure your lead magnet is in safe hands.

Select the Buyer Persona You Want to Target

The first step in creating a lead magnet is to consider who it is serving. The lead magnet must have a purpose. 


Forget trying to attract every single person. A good lead magnet knows which type of buyer persona it is targeting. 


For your lead magnet to be very effective, it needs to be specifically relevant to the buyer persona. You should already be aware of the types of buyer personas your company is targeting, but make sure your lead magnet is only targeting one type when you first start out with lead magnets. 


The more specific you can be, the higher the success rate you will see. You can eventually create lead magnets for all buyer personas, but it is best to stick to one that has the most value to start with.

Identify Your Value Proposition

Once you know which buyer persona prospects you will be targeting, you need to create a compelling reason for them to download your lead magnet. 


The best way of doing that is to provide them with something they need. For instance, your typical buyer persona could need to know about different types of social media marketing or how to lay a patio. 


By identifying your value proposition, you can more easily create the right kind of lead magnet. Just do not overdo it. If you are giving out a guide on how to lay a patio, for instance, your prospects do not want to read a 300-page book. But they will engage with a short guide that clearly and succinctly takes them through each step of the process. 


Figure out what your prospects need in order to deliver it. The more specific you can be, the better.

Choose the Type of Lead Magnet You Will Provide

The next step is about choosing the exact type of lead magnet you will provide. 


In addition to keeping it simple and concise, you should look at your strengths to determine what type of lead magnet you can create to the best of your abilities. 


For example, if you are a great writer, consider writing a short guide. On the other hand, if writing is not your forte but you know how to craft an engaging video, you could go with the video option. 


Another thing to consider during this stage is rapid consumption. You want your buyer personas to solve their problems as quickly as possible so that they can move further down your sales funnel. So, choose a format for your lead magnet that can provide fast delivery and consumption. 


The options for types of lead magnets are almost endless. While e-books, guides, and educational videos are popular choices, you could also choose to create lead magnets like:


  • A report.
  • A cheat-sheet.
  • An assessment.
  • A list of resources.
  • A free software trial.
  • A special offer, like a discount.
  • A survey.


Create the Lead Magnet

With all of the strategic work completed, the final step is to actually create your lead magnet. 


Keep in mind who the magnet is trying to attract and the value of the proposition that you are offering in order to come up with an effective lead magnet. 


The creation process will then be much simpler and you will be able to create a magnet that serves its purpose well. 


In turn, that allows you to gain more contact details and make your prospects into high-quality leads that eventually become conversions.

Top Tips

Armed with the above insightful information, you should be able to create the ideal lead magnet for your purposes. To help you further, keep the following three top tips in mind.


Firstly, remember that a lead magnet needs to grab the attention of your buyer persona and deliver real value. If you can win over your leads with free offers, you help to pique their interest in your paid-for products or services. 


Secondly, make sure you give your lead magnet a name. Like any good headline, the title needs to draw in your prospects. So, make sure it is catchy and appeals to your buyer persona. Getting the right headline can make a huge difference in your conversion rate. 


Lastly, make sure you place your lead magnet in the appropriate place. For instance, you are shooting yourself in the foot if you tuck your lead magnet away on your website and make it difficult to find. Lead magnets are typically best placed on the landing page of your website as most of your traffic will go to your landing page first. 

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.