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Gravity Forms Alternative

Switch from Gravity Forms to LeadGen App and create more personalized form design that convert more leads.

Google forms - LeadGen App

Gravity Forms Alternative
Compare > LeadGen App vs. Gravity

Looking for a Google Forms Alternative? With Gravity Forms you can build advanced contact froms, newsletters, user registration forms, surveys and quizzes. Gravity Forms is a recognized plugin in the WordPress ecosystem. 

But if you want to have full control over your forms in terms of design and customization, you are better off looking somewhere else. Let’s quickly look at leadGen forms as an alternative to Gravity Forms.

What are the challenges with Gravity Forms?

  • Design customization is very limited
  • Plugin interface is not very pleasing
  • Not intuitive for entry level users
  • Limited integration options


What do Gravity Forms users criticize?


Little things keep breaking which is a pain. Also not being able to style the form easily is really annoying.”

“Quick fix or implementation. I find that once I have injected Gravity Forms into my design I’ll get transparent field backgrounds that I will need to fix in the CSS.

“I was trying to do something a little over my head and had some trouble finding the right code to apply the CSS too. The knowledgebase did help a lot but it was a struggle at times.

“Dull colours and unfriendly styling. Most times I have to struggle to see what is written as notifications and alerts when filling out the form.”


LeadGen App Form Creator Features



1. Easily Build Multi-Step Forms & Capture Leads

checkmark  Intuitive form-builder
checkmark  Unlimited form design options
checkmark  Create multi-step forms
checkmark  Custom form themes
checkmark  20+ different question types
checkmark  Responsive form design
checkmark  Custom form dimensions & spacing
checkmark  Visual image/icon buttons
checkmark  Embed codes (Direct embed, iframe)
checkmark  Advanced form styling via CSS

Form A/B testing

2. Get More Responses & Qualify Leads

checkmark   Lead dashboard & analytics
checkmark  Unlimited form variants within form
checkmark  Export leads to csv and excel sheet
checkmark  Conditional logic forms
checkmark  Form A/B testing
checkmark  Geo-Fencing based on country
checkmark  IP-based response restriction

checkmark  Validation (email, phone number)
checkmark  Enable Google reCAPTCHA
checkmark  LeadProof popups

Online form designs with unlimited customization options

3. Create User-Friendly & Custom Forms

checkmark   Redirect to custom Thank-you message/ URL
checkmark  Build Calculator Forms
checkmark  Lead Scoring based on assigning choice values
checkmark  Lead notifications
checkmark  Form progress bar in multi-step forms
checkmark  GDPR checkboxes
checkmark  Integrations via Zapier
checkmark  Webhooks integrations & hidden field names
checkmark  Append or post form data to URL


Online form designs with unlimited customization options

Why you should move from Gravity Forms to LeadGen App?

checkmark A Better Way To Turn Visitors into Customers (Maximize lead potential) 

checkmark Increased Lead Quality & Real Prospects (Say goodbye to spam & suspects)

checkmark Maximum Customization and Design (Forms That seamlessly fit to your site)


Try It Out Yourself

Make the most of your website visitors and generate new customers and more sales with LeadGen App