How to Build Backlinks for SEO 


Backlinks, like content, are crucial for brand recognition. Every company wants as many people as possible to know about them and what they have to offer. Backlinks bring link juice and authority to the site, thereby increasing search engine rankings. Any business wants to come up with the most effective strategy for getting backlinks to outdo competitors and get to the top of SERPs.

Today, the quality of backlinks is more important than their quantity, as search engines focus on providing users with high-quality information. 

Many companies often resort to breaking the rules by following strategies that are not always based on fair methods. However, the algorithms are also becoming more advanced and easily identify websites that utilize illegal tactics. This leads to a decrease in their ranking, and sometimes even to blocking. 

In this article, we will talk about what information you need to know when working on your link-building strategy

A) Impact on the ranking 

When you have a chance to get a link to your website from another, more reputable source, this means that this source is responsible for the quality of the published materials. Given that the algorithms take this into account, they begin to show more trust in your domain. 

You can aimlessly try to get a link from various sources, which will not lead you to the result you want. Instead, consider metrics such as domain authority and domain InLink rank, which are based on Google's PageRank. They can help you determine which sites will bring you the most benefit.  

Helpful tips:

- Buying PBN backlinks for your website appears to be a simple way to build links. However, it is a risky venture that might harm your site in the long run. There is no need to choose a site that generally has a good rating. You need to choose a specific page, the rank of which will be high; 

- The link must be placed correctly. If it fits well into the article in terms of meaning, and the clickable phrase does not stand out against the background of the entire article, then you have a high chance of ranking up; 

- Paid links should always be tagged. Otherwise, you risk running into problems. 

B) Principles to follow 

- Make sure that the number of backlinks increases gradually. Any spikes in numbers may indicate suspicious activity. Having an efficient backlink management might help.

- Create content that other websites want to share. There is nothing better than quality content that is full of the information users want. If you offer comprehensive content better than anything else on the web, then other websites will want to share that content in their sources. This will lead to organic growth. 

- Make sure that not only the links but also the source where they will be placed will be of high quality. 

Manually analyzing sources as well as links can be quite a difficult and lengthy process. Today, there are tools available to help you make this job much easier. One of the effective tools is SEO SpyGlass. Using it, you can analyze the source for compliance with the guidelines in a matter of minutes. There’re also plenty of B2B link building services that can execute all these routine tasks for you. Moreover, you won’t need to worry about the quality of links and their sources ever again.

C) Outdated and forbidden tactics 

If you are guided by what was relevant a few years ago, you will not be able to achieve good results today. In addition, you can inadvertently use prohibited tactics, which will significantly spoil your ranking. 

Avoid the following tactics: 

- Working with unreliable link-building agencies. If you turn to an unverified agency, you risk getting low-quality links. They are more likely to indiscriminately select sources that will not lead to any result; 

- Posting links in inappropriate places on the website. If you are going to do this to improve navigation, then there is nothing to worry about. If not, then the algorithms may identify them as spam; 

- Posting irrelevant links. You can't just insert any link into any content. Everything should be thought out to the smallest detail, so that, moving from one page to another, users can get even more information on the topic; 

- Using redirects. Wanting to increase the ranking of the resource as quickly as possible, many continue to use the domain redirecting tactic. This has worked before, helping companies get around penalties. However, this is an outdated tactic today; 

The following tactics are highly unacceptable: 

- Spamming websites and comments; 

- Bribing website owners by offering cross-linking or a product for free.

Your pages may also be insecure if you are not sure about the quality of the links on your website. If you don't want your ranking to drop because of low-quality backlinks, then you should use tools that easily find them. One such effective tool is the Toxic Backlink Checker, which can analyze all the links on a resource and determine which ones are suspicious. 

D) Reliable tactics 


By choosing safe and reliable strategies, such as doing link exchanges or buying backlinks you can be sure that you will not put your web resource at risk. Here are some of the ones you should use: 

Write the best material possible 

Find sources to which you can offer the best content on a particular topic. You may even find sources that link to your competitors. 

First of all, you need to decide on the topic you want to cover. Next, you need to use a search engine to find the best results for that topic. For that you must have rank tracker tool to do so. You can find a page simply by entering a keyword into Google or searching for it in Rank Tracker. The software will show you the best results and then you can paste this page's URL into SEO SpyGlass – and see who links to it. 

After that, you should start creating content on this topic. Do the research and find the most important information on a given topic to cover it fully. Your material should be ten times better than any existing one. As soon as your material is ready, you can contact the sources to submit your material. If it is good, these sources will gladly agree to publish it.  

Suggest replacing the broken link 

Using SEO SpyGlass, you can also find broken backlinks of your competitors. If you have a relevant page, then ask site owners for a replacement... They hardly need links that point to 404 and harm the site’s reputation, so they will be happy to receive a free replacement. 

Check if your links are working 

If you are already working with sources that link to you, you need to check regularly to make sure your links are working. Website owners and webmasters won't be doing this kind of hard work. Besides, it's in your best interest. 

You should analyze the pages where there is a link to you. If broken links are found, figure out what went wrong. You can either fix it or contact the source and suggest that they replace it with another one that you can send them. 

Examine all mentions of your company 

You may not be aware that various sources may mention the name of your company or product in their materials. This could be a great chance to get a backlink. You just need to do research in the search engine, social platforms, as well as other sources where there may be mentions of your company or use a brand mention monitoring tool. Once you find such a source, simply email them and ask them to insert a link. 


You don't need absolutely every source to link to your company. Instead, you should focus on looking for high-ranking pages that will help boost your page rank as well. When building a strategy, be guided by the current guidelines so that you do not face penalties, as well as blocking. The above strategies will help your website get organic visitor growth.



About the Author


Shahid Shahmiri, Digital Marketer

Shahid Shahmiri is a digital marketer by profession. He helps online businesses to grow with smart marketing tactics to achieve better sales and leads. He is passionately focused and driven to grow businesses online and can manage the marketing and lead generation process with proven tactics and experiments. Shahid is accountable for analyzing marketing, SEO, growth and dealing with all promotional and media channels.