A Deep Dive into Microsoft's Lead Generation Strategy for Dynamics 365 

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An effective lead generation strategy is the key to business success in the digital marketing scene. One example of effective lead generation is Microsoft's strategy in marketing Dynamic 365. In its marketing of Dynamics 365, Microsoft has done more than just set a precedent for lead generation to redefine the meaning of effective lead generation.

This guide delves into this strategy and how it has paved the way for remarkable value creation within the public markets and is an excellent read for marketers who want to turn their lead-generation efforts around.

Understanding Dynamic 365

Before delving into Microsoft Dynamics 365, it is best first to get a brief overview of what it is. Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based business application designed to help businesses streamline their operations. It features several customizable modules to meet every business's needs, including customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning, and human capital planning.

Dynamics 365 is not the only cloud-based business application in the market. It competes with several other cloud-based applications, such as Salesforce, Oracle NetSuite, and SAP Business One, which offer similar features and functionalities. While Dynamics 365 is a late entrant into the business application tools scene compared to options such as Salesforce, it has established itself as a strong contender in the market thanks to the lead generation strategies employed in its marketing. 

Dynamics 365 Marketing Strategies


Leveraging partnerships in lead generation is a common strategy companies use to speed up their efforts. Microsoft takes several approaches regarding partnerships, which include:

a. Partner Ecosystem: The partner ecosystem approach involves entering into partnerships with independent software vendors, system integrators, resellers, consultants, and other tech companies who offer services that incorporate the functionalities of Dynamic 365. 

b. Joint Marketing: Joint marketing efforts involve collaborating with partners on joint marketing campaigns, including co-branded webinars, blog posts, white papers, and other types of content that educate potential consumers about the benefits of combining a partner's offerings with Dynamics 365.

c. Lead Sharing And Referral Programs: Under this approach, Microsoft and its partners share referrals from their leads. For example, if a lead expresses interest in Dynamics 365 but their needs require additional solutions, Microsoft refers the lead to its partners and vice versa.

d. Solution Integration: This approach involves developing integrations between products from Microsoft and its partners. These integrations allow for seamless experiences when using the combined tools, allowing them to easily adopt Dynamic 365 alongside other technologies. 

e. Co-Selling And Co-Delivery: In some cases, Microsoft and its partners engage in co-selling and co-delivery efforts, which means collaborating to sell and deliver solutions that combine Dynamics 365 with partners' offerings.

f. Benefits For Partners: There are many benefits to partnering with Microsoft, such as access to their market base, brand recognition, and resources. By using these benefits as perks, Microsoft can attract partners who, in turn, help in its marketing.

A Deep dive Into Microsoft Dynamics 365

The Long-Term Game

One of the most common mistakes made by businesses is focusing on immediate conversion. While it may work to some degree, having a long-term plan works better in the long run, and that's the approach Microsoft has taken.  It prioritizes building trust and credibility above conversions, a strategy that has worked by building a loyal customer base.

This long-term game strategy applied by Microsoft has significantly contributed to spectacular value creation for the company and is a preferred investment option. If you are interested in investing in the company, you may want to first assess Microsoft's stock value to be sure what you will be getting your money into. Also, Microsoft has an outstanding reputation in the software industry, which it leverages to attract clients to Dynamics 365. 

Educational Content

Microsoft's leadership in the software industry is not only a result of longevity in the industry. It has also positioned itself as a thought leader through educational content creation. Quality content creation remains among the most effective strategies for converting potential leads, as it creates an impression of authority in the industry.

By focusing on customer pain points and providing ideas for solutions in a way its competitors haven't done, Microsoft has, over the years, established itself as an invaluable resource solidifying its position as a market leader. 

Transforming Leads Into Brand Ambassadors

Microsoft's strategy has always been more than acquiring customers, it includes transforming their leads into brand ambassadors. Microsoft achieves this by ensuring it delivers beyond expectations to the leads it converts. In return, the customers are transformed into enthusiastic advocates, with the ripple effect extending beyond the reach of traditional marketing efforts to create a self-sustaining cycle of value creation with very little expense to the company. 


Microsoft's lead generation strategy for Dynamics 365 is a shining example of how the right approach to lead generation can create unparalleled value in the public markets. These strategies can work in any organization. So, if you are engaging in lead generation for your products, the tips highlighted above can work for you. Just make sure to take a Microsoft Office training online program as well to take full advantage of the software.

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.