Step-by-Step Guide to Create an Effective SEO Portfolio in 2023

A specialist who deals with the optimization of websites for search engines needs to have an SEO portfolio with examples of SEO work projects. This is a necessary thing for any SEO expert who works on freelance bases or looks for a job position in a company. An SEO portfolio is your second face where your SEO skills are demonstrated. That is why we have prepared this article on how to compose an SEO portfolio, fill it in, and refine it following the Google portfolio tips.

How Does SEO Portfolio Help Finding SEO Work?

The fact of portfolio presence is often associated with creative sphere professionals. Having a portfolio is a common thing for designers, architects, and writers. However, a portfolio would also be extremely important for SEO professionals, link-building experts, and marketing specialists. 

In fact, a portfolio is valuable because it can tell about yourself much more than you do. As an SEO expert or a link building expert, you can include a short description of your previous projects there. When applying for new projects or jobs, your portfolio will speak on behalf of yourself and attract the attention of clients and employers.

Another reason to start creating your SEO portfolio right now is to become competitive in the job market. In times of crisis or difficult economic periods, a candidate with a portfolio has more chances to be noticed than one without it.

How to Create an SEO Portfolio?

If you are looking for freelance SEO work or a job in a big corporation, then do not hesitate to start creating your SEO portfolio right away. Here you will find valuable but simple Google portfolio tips online that will help you to proceed rapidly.

a. Register as a Blogger

After having read this subheading, you are already asking yourself how this might refer to an SEO portfolio. So let’s make things clear on that and elaborate on that.

Once you register as guest blogger on some platform, you can write an article on SEO subjects and thus promote yourself as an SEO expert. While writing blog posts on the external platform you can promote yourself and share some secrets related to SEO with the blog readers. There you can also insert a link to your professional resources or an online portfolio.

b. Create a Website


Modern online website builders and constructors allow one to craft a personal website from scratch with no prior knowledge of web development. There you will also find templates that you can take as a basis for your future portfolio. Many of those platforms offer one-pager templates that are often used by creative professionals to set up their portfolios. Those could be adjusted easily so that you can select your design style appropriately and fill the page with the needed content.

c. List Your Skills

A fundamental part of your SEO profile is to demonstrate your knowledge in the area and show which SEO tools you are familiar with. The best way to do that might be to create a career path page with SEO skills. Provide a list of your SEO-related skills in a dedicated section of that page and include any additional description if needed.

The most common SEO skills might be obvious, though mentioning them in your SEO portfolio would not be excessive. Mention keyword finding, meta descriptions, website analytics, link building, clickable call-to-actions, and social sharing. Also, mention which SEO tools you have experienced working with, including mobile SEO apps, plugins, or content management systems.

d. Include Case Studies

When a potential client looks at your portfolio, case studies will help to understand your professional SEO work path better. Thus, module the case studies by mentioning the objectives a company was planning to achieve and explain how you attained them by indicating the metrics achieved. If you worked for niche websites, mention all that in the case study description as well. This will make your future employers or clients be aware of your professionalism.

e. Talk about You as a Person

Mentioning all your SEO skills, technical skills, and case studies describing your experience is highly important. However, talking about you as a person also means much to those people you will work with in the future. Very often, the human factor appears crucial when working on a project, whether it is related to SEO or any other work task.

To tell more about yourself, you might create a section on your website or one-pager portfolio with ‘About Me’ title. Mention how you became an SEO expert, why you like this profession, and what you enjoy most about your job. Include information about your hobbies, life interests, pets, and anything else you would want to tell about yourself. There is no need to provide too much personal information but knowing more about your personality would help to establish better communication with your clients.

About the Author


Shahid Shahmiri, Digital Marketer

Shahid Shahmiri is a digital marketer by profession. He helps online businesses to grow with smart marketing tactics to achieve better sales and leads. He is passionately focused and driven to grow businesses online and can manage the marketing and lead generation process with proven tactics and experiments. Shahid is accountable for analyzing marketing, SEO, growth and dealing with all promotional and media channels.