5 Up-and-Coming Email Marketing Trends in 2024

Uncover the game-changing secrets that will elevate your email strategies, from the powerful capabilities of advanced generative AI to the elegant simplicity of minimalistic designs. Whether you're a marketing veteran or just starting out, these email marketing trends will empower you to craft engaging and relevant content for the coming year and beyond. Let's draw email experiences from the best of the best and identify important patterns that will help us effectively reach customers.

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Top Email Marketing Trends 2024

1. AI Has Filled a Huge Niche

Nearly one-third of marketing teams are already incorporating generative AI tools into their operations.  Interest in "generative AI" has skyrocketed, with search volume increasing by a staggering 9,100% over the past two years. Generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT and Perplexity are predominantly being utilized for writing articles and creating social media visuals. However, their application is rapidly expanding into email marketing.

Salesforce highlights several compelling ways AI is poised to revolutionize email marketing:

a. Campaign Management: AI can analyze campaign performance, pinpointing which aspects are effective and identifying those that require adjustment.

b. Content Creation: Generative AI can assist in drafting, outlining, and editing email content, as well as generating images to enhance emails.

c. Ideation: Marketers can leverage AI to brainstorm ideas like subject lines and newsletter topics.

d. Scaling Production: AI accelerates labor-intensive tasks, from ideation to content creation and campaign analysis, significantly boosting productivity.

2. Mobile Focus

As most email interactions now occur on mobile devices, adopting a mobile-first approach to email design has become essential. While the focus on mobile is constantly being discussed, it is still used in a minority of cases. With email, digital faxing, and instant messaging, interactions in most cases occur on smartphones. More and more people use fax from cell phones, send and receive emails on smartphones and tablets, and use voice input. Just as the fax app has become the new reality, so too should email marketing efforts be heavily focused on smartphones.

We anticipate that 2024 will be the year when most brands fully embrace the importance of mobile responsiveness and design:

a. Responsive Design: Creating emails that automatically adapt to various screen sizes ensures optimal readability and user interaction across all mobile devices.

b. Touch-Friendly Elements: Implementing larger buttons and links that are easy to tap enhances the mobile user experience.

c. Concise Content: Keeping messages brief and straightforward caters to the shorter attention spans of mobile users.

d. Optimized Images: Employing images that load quickly without sacrificing quality improves performance on mobile devices.

Email marketing

3. Email Segmentation

Email segmentation, coupled with marketing automation, has emerged as a major trend in digital marketing over the past few years. While the concept of dividing email subscribers into distinct groups is well-established, the shift lies in its widespread adoption.

What was once considered an "advanced feature" is now a standard offering across nearly all email service providers (ESPs). Moreover, a growing number of marketers are incorporating segmentation into their strategies. Recent statistics show that 33% of companies employ audience segmentation for their marketing efforts, and 20% send tailored emails to specific customer segments.

4. Interactive Email Experiences

In 2024, interactive email experiences will revolutionize the way consumers interact with email content. This emerging trend aims to transform emails from static messages into dynamic and engaging experiences. Here's what we anticipate will become more prominent in 2024:

a. Embedded Widgets and Features: Expect to see the incorporation of interactive elements like polls, surveys, and quizzes directly within emails, making it easier for recipients to engage without leaving their inbox.

b. Rich Media Integration: The use of videos, GIFs, and other rich media will enhance the visual appeal and engagement level of emails, making them more captivating and memorable.

c. Real-Time Content Updates: Emails will feature the ability to update content in real-time based on user actions or external factors, such as stock levels or weather conditions, ensuring that the information is always relevant and up-to-date.

d. Gamification Elements: Adding game-like features, such as scratch cards or spin-to-win interactions, will make emails more fun and interactive, boosting user engagement.

e. Interactive Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Interactive CTAs that change color, animate, or expand upon hover or click will provide immediate feedback to users, encouraging them to take action.

Marketing trends.

5. BIMI Adoption

Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) is an innovative email authentication protocol that enables brands to showcase their logo within the recipient's inbox, thereby boosting brand visibility and fostering trust. Although it is a relatively recent development, you may have already noticed several prominent brands utilizing this feature in their emails.

With the emergence of new authentication standards, many senders are already on the path to BIMI implementation by adhering to existing sender guidelines. We anticipate that this progression will motivate more users to fully comply with BIMI requirements and complete the implementation process.


Email marketers are continually vying for attention, striving for higher open rates, and boosting engagement. Furthermore, emerging tools such as AI, evolving consumer expectations for GIFs and interactive content, and stringent regulations like GDPR are compelling marketers to refine their strategies to stay competitive. The platforms, companies, and technologies that adeptly navigate these shifts will be the ones to achieve the greatest success in the coming years.


About the Author


Priyanka Jain, Content Marketer

Priyanka is a Content Marketer by profession. Priyanka helps with creating new content and auditing existing content for online businesses. She is passionate about writing and creates content that is SEO optimized. Priyanka is responsible for creating new, original, high-quality content for the website with proper keyword research and auditing the existing content to make it quality content.