8 Costly Landing Page Mistakes That are Costing You Leads

Landing Page

Digital marketing, as a whole, is a complicated business. Your tactics play a vital role, and one mistake can render them futile.

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

This explains why many marketing professionals are wary of building a landing page.

Sure, it allows you to generate as many leads and drive conversions. However, you can only reap the benefits if you know the mechanisms of an effective landing page. Otherwise, your efforts will go to waste.

It is like going to a conference, connecting with people, but forgetting to ask for their business card. This prevents you from reconnecting with them, leaving your money on the table.

If you want to avoid that, here are eight landing page mistakes you should not do:

Having a Navigation Menu

The role of a landing page is to let your site visitors focus on your offer and your desired action. That's why at Sytian Web Developer Philippines, our number one rule in designing a landing page is to eliminate the navigation menu.

Doing so rids your site visitors of distractions. It also clarifies what you want to do, whether it is to register for your webinar or buy your product.

Keep in mind that people who land on your landing did so at their volition. It is only fitting that you deliver what you promised them.

Providing More Than One Option

In relation to the previous point, another mistake you should avoid is having multiple options on your landing page. Numerous options could mean asking your site visitors to download your e-book, fill out a sign-up form, and give you a call.

Why is this problematic? That's because you are unclear about what actions you would want people to take. Hence, they have to think hard about how they will respond to your offer.

That said, you have to be creative in enticing your site visitors to leave their contact details with just a single option.

Lack of Product Preview

Product Preview

Giving a preview of the goods is something that not many marketers do. Probably because they are afraid that people will pirate your content.

Here's the thing: If that is their intention, they will do it anyway.

Thus, it would be better to give your site visitors a sneak peek of what is in store for them. If that is a PDF, provide them with a preview of the Table of Contents. That way, they would know if it is the kind of content they need.

Not Making Your Landing Page SEO-friendly

You may have your reasons for not optimizing your landing pages for search. So much so that you do not let search engine bots crawl and index it.

Sure, you can link it at the end of every blog post. However, readers are often in a passive state of mind. This means that they are on your blog to consume information and not on the lookout for any offer.

If you want to maximize your landing page's online visibility, we suggest that you optimize it for keywords with commercial intent.

Sending Your Traffic to the Homepage

If your blog post readers are in a passive state of mind, those who land on your homepage are in different stages of the sales funnel. This may look good, but it can prevent you from qualifying your leads and driving conversion.

Think of it this way: You will buy a bath towel in a store. Hence, you will go straight to the bathroom and toiletry section.

Keep in mind that your site visitors came from various sources (i.e., search engines, social media, and banner ads). Plus, they likely use different keywords with varying intent.

That said, it would be best to bring people who intend to buy from you to a landing page.

For one, these people have decided to do business with you. Second, your landing page is a straightforward approach to selling your products or services.

Not Adding Second Offer on the "Thank You" Page

Sure, having a clear primary offer on your landing page is an excellent move. But that should not stop you from striking the iron while hot.

Once they land on your Thank You page, it means you already have their support. That said, it would be wise to give them a second offer.

An excellent example would be to ask people to share your content on social media. That way, they can share the word about your offer to their family, friends, and colleagues.

Misaligned Messaging

A digital marketing campaign has a purpose and context. Hence, you must align your landing page's messaging.

For instance, you ran a pay-per-click ad to sell your e-book. It would only make sense that you redirect the click-throughs to a landing page where they can buy your e-book.

If you bring them to your homepage, they will have to comb through your content to find what they are looking for. This can increase bounce rate, hurting your website's search engine ranking.

Meanwhile, relevant messaging means delivering what you promised. If your PPC ad is about selling an e-book for effective meditation, people expect to see an e-book about that topic.

Not Conducting a Multi-variate Testing

The key to having an effective landing page is to know whether it is doing its job for you. However, you cannot know without conducting an A/B test.

It is the process of simultaneously running two versions of your landing page for a certain period. Once it is done, you can determine which page did well and let it run for the rest of your campaign.

A word of caution about multi-variate testing: Only test one element at a time.

For example, you can test whether people click a red CTA button more than green for two weeks. Once you have the results, you can move on to another design element.

Designing an effective landing page may sound complicated. However, you can make your page do its job well if you know what mistakes to avoid. Thus, avoid making the costly landing page mistakes listed above. That way, you can squeeze as much return on investment out of your campaign.

There is a lot you can learn about designing a perfect landing page, and the easiest way to find reliable resources is to check how professionals are doing it.
For example, this Houston website design company created hundreds of landing pages so start figuring out more strategies that can help you improve your work

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.