What Are Triggered Emails? 

Spray-and-pray tactics have become relatively common among marketers all around the globe. We find a lot of them using methods that allow them to get connected with a considerable number of prospects rather than prying on specifics and hunting down individuals. A triggered email is defined as the automated email that a company or business sends to its latest subscriber. It has been found to do better, however.

Triggered Emails

Not only do they build trust and fulfill customer expectations, but they also help in augmenting customer retention by letting them know that they are kept informed. From simple welcome emails to reactivation emails and transaction emails, you can even send triggered emails for special occasions, like reminding customers or prospects about their upcoming birthdays.

7 Ways to Use Triggered Emails for Generating Leads 

Welcoming Your New Subscribers

While this triggered email is downright mandatory and an obligation, how you execute it is all up to you. Not only can they help you drive up your conversion rates, but in fact, they can also help augment your revenues generated through email alone. However, your triggered email has to make room for personalization and customization for each customer to make them count and create more impact.

Segmenting, according to the collected data, is essential. You need to take into account a user’s onsite behavior, overall email engagement, and buying tendencies, utilizing the information they provided when filling out your forms. The tactic is mostly adopted by graduate students who write my dissertation to validate their degree. This can help you gain an advantage over them that, if played right, can provide you with tremendous returns.

When it comes to asking customers to fill out forms, you can use progressive profiling methods over time to build a complete persona around them. This will allow you to have more than enough vital information regarding your customers to play around with. The more informed you are, the better your strategy will be to attract them to your products and services.

Another technique could be to use dynamic email software to create emails where you can easily adjust various features, such as content editing or placement, and fix visual elements such as images, themes, and color schemes. 

Use FOMO to Your Advantage

Understanding human psychology plays a crucial role in understanding SEO marketing and how promotional activities work. Marketers have since employed them to efficiently capture the attention of customers and prospects, enticing them towards the products and services being offered.

Efficiently capture the attention of customers

FOMO is ‘Fear of Missing Out’ and can be best described as telling someone that they are missing out on a much more rewarding experience while others are enjoying benefits and having the time of their lives. While this may not be the best definition, however, the gist is the same. It is a pervasive way of creating apprehension in people. Hence, it works like social anxiety, where you want the user to stay connected with services and offers just to see what others are getting out of them.

FOMO, as a part of the triggered email, can help generate sales, especially in the younger generation, who are discovering the world around them and are eager to learn more about themselves and what others are doing. An example could be an ‘Out of Stock Soon’ email where you inform customers that a high-demand product is currently running low in your store. This will naturally allure them to know more about the product and try to get an exclusive offer or deal out of it.

Provide Product Recommendations

Many e-commerce websites use a basic filtering system for digital marketing to provide product recommendations for users and buyers based on their past purchase history and buying trends. Somewhat closer to a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts and a prediction combined together, product recommendations are like side dishes to a three-course meal.

You are filling their space to let them know what product goes best with the other or that many users have often bought two items as a pair since they complement each other well. Some of the best tactics include your best sellers. These are the simplest to manage. All you have to do is keep your customers informed about the most popular products in your store so far. By highlighting them, you are betting on the probability that they will purchase them as well.

Another example is to simply lean on current trends and the latest in-demand products. Hence, whatever is getting the most hype or showing a steep curve rising up in popular demand receives a hit from you. Lastly, you can also provide them with an update regarding your recent discounts and ongoing campaigns to get the most bang for their buck. Naturally, the only possible intention here is to sell more products and increase your revenues. 

Make promises and deliver them!

The primary purpose behind a triggered email is to produce a positive user interaction that can be deemed profitable or beneficial for the company. This could be as simple as subscribing to your newsletter or downloading an eBook. However, before this happens, you need to make sure that whatever promises you make to the customer are delivered to them in full and to the best of your capabilities.

Accurate Delivery Promises are Key for E-commerce

Hence, the intention over here is to send emails that affirm your user’s action. Therefore, if your customer is taking the time to listen to you and read your email, you should feel obligated to go the extra mile and offer them all the encouragement you can offer them. Nurturing bonds these two words hold a lot of depth when you start to consider all the little actions that you can take to make your client feel your support and warmth.

The human heart is fragile, and that is why you need to proceed with delicate maneuvers that are imbued with care and affection for others. So the main idea is to keep user experiences enjoyable and pleasurable. You need your customers to trust you, so build up your credibility in front of them. Show them that you are extremely reliable and that they can depend on you. Last, you should make big statements, but always back them up with proper actions and interactions! 

Wake up, sleeper agents!

Though we should probably call them “non-action users,” sleeper agents are those customers who visit your website regularly, even drop a couple of items in their cart, but never make a purchase. It would be best if you found ways and we mean innovative, insightful, creative, and out-of-the-box approaches—that you would have to develop to get to them.

Again, being overly assertive is not the idea. You are not here to displease them or sound demanding. Just little nudges, reminders, or nods will get them moving in the right direction as per your desired outcomes. Be subtle, be gentle, and stay focused. Never lose sight of your primary goal, which is to make them feel comfortable with your services.

You do not want them to bounce off of your page or, worse, never return to your domain. Incite them! Educate them! And this can only happen if you show a lot of patience with them. Personalizing emails that are customized to suit their preferences is the best option here for your triggered emails. Learn about them first before you feel confident enough to interact with them. 

After all, they visited your service pages before you talked to them; they were just unable to make up their minds. See to it if you can offer a free limited-time trial of some sort. The rest is up to you and your team.

Keep Your Existing Customers Engaged

When we talk about making new customers feel comfortable, we should never forget about our existing clientele. The fact of the matter is that building up your customer list is essential, but keeping your clients engaged is vital.

Keep Your Existing Customers Engaged

You do not want them to forget about you, which is why a triggered email should interact with your current clientele and direct them to your offered products and services. Keep them interested in new updates, news flashes, upcoming events, and so on. The objective over here is to retain their attention towards your brands and businesses so that you stay relevant for them. Just like Crowd Writer, it is a relevant resource for higher education students in the UK.

It has to be a continuous effort from your end, where you consistently approach them periodically. Special occasions and festive seasons of the year are a bonus! Never miss out on any incidents or occurrences to reach out to your customers; in fact, hunt them down like a predator!

Plan your year ahead of time, sit down with your marketing team, and get your annual calendar sorted beforehand. The better you plan and organize yourself, the more chances you will have to pique their interest in your offers. 

Remind Users about Items Left in Their Cart

There are customers out there who are going through a tough time. The confusion surrounds them, and they simply cannot make up their minds. It has come to the point for them that being indecisive is second nature for them. These people need your encouragement.

A little push in the right direction can go a long way. However, being overly adamant or self-imposing is not the right way. Approach them with extreme caution. You do not want to upset them any more than they already are. What you need to do is just remind them of their previous decision to buy an item in your store. However, sounds cheerful with bullet emails. Be open; again, you are here to make their lives better! So make them feel better even when they aren’t. Take an approach that negates their immediate concern and converts it into something more positive. 

“Hi Brian, we know just how busy things can get these days; it is just that we want to remind you about some items that you left in your cart.” Or something like, “Hey! I found some items in your cart; if you are good to go, we can ship them to you right away.” Make yourself sound chirpy and uplifting.  Shine for them so that you can lead the way as they follow you! Your email should be a mood-changer! Font, colors, theme, and all other elements, such as white space, should play well to bring about a pleasing look and feel. 


If email is one of the fastest ways to communicate with your prospects and potential candidates, then triggered email is the fine arts section of writing emails. We know that perfection is simply a myth, as there is always room for improvement, but a lot can be improved when it comes to email. Generating leads isn’t that difficult if you get the right mix for your method of writing emails.

The value you create for the user, the information you share, the visual elements that you use, and the spacing applied are all that you need to work on. A triggered email is not only art, but you can apply a scientific method to it to get the most results out of it. Your tone, the font size, the colors that you use, and all other components should be presented in such a manner that they attract your recipient’s attention.

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.