Lead Gen Strategies to Attract Your Target Customer

Lead generation

Customers are the lifeline of any business, and getting customers interested in what they sell is the goal of every business. 

It doesn’t matter what the nature of the business is, if people are talking about it, it is doing good (unless it’s for a negative reason). 

However, the bridge between knowing about a product or service and being interested in it makes a world of difference.

More than 85% of marketers agree that lead generation is the most important part of their marketing campaign. 

The ultimate goal of lead generation is to turn strangers into customers, but there’s a right and wrong way of doing it. 

If your strategy is to cold call prospective customers en masse, you’re more likely to fail than succeed.

Lead generation has to be organic in order to be successful. 

In this brief guide, we will discuss the 8 best lead generation strategies to attract your target customer. 

8 lead generation strategies to attract your target customer

If you’ve been paying attention, you’d have noticed that we are talking about attracting your target customers, not any random group.

Highlighting this is important because it’s the target customers who convert easily. In the quest to attract your target customers, utilizing effective lead management tools is crucial for converting them easily.

Once you have enough data from market research and know what your target customer looks like, generating leads becomes much easier.

Without further ado, let’s find out more about the 8 best lead generation strategies to specifically address target customers. 

Know your target customer base

know your target audience

It’s obvious that you need to know about your target customer base before you can generate leads from it. Every lead generation strategy begins with market research, and market research aims to obtain the maximum possible information about your target customer base.

Creating customer personas is among the most effective things that you can do to understand what your target customer thinks and what their pain points are. But before that, you need to identify your target customer base based on demographic markers. It can be people with similar interests, around the same age, belonging to similar social, economic, and cultural backgrounds, and so on. When it comes to getting the relevant information, email finder & reverse phone lookup tools may come in helpful. 

Once you know who your target customers are and what they are like, devising a lead generation strategy can be much easier. It’s the first step for any marketer, and other steps follow it. 

Make the most of gated content

Gated content, or content that remains behind a wall, is one of the best ways to ethically get information about potential customers. 

When you offer some content to viewers after they fill out a form or sign up for a platform, it gives you access to vital data and gives your audience something valuable and informative. It’s an overall win-win situation for both you and the audience.

Gated content is valuable because it’s not offered for free. That makes it more likely for customers to remember what they read or saw. 

With content becoming ubiquitous, there’s something valuable about content that remains behind a wall. Think about how you can forget about an Instagram reel via reel maker easily, but are much more likely to remember a show you saw on Hulu.

Using gated content is a great way to get user information, something that’ll come in handy at every stage of lead generation. 

Offer free trials and freebies

Everyone loves freebies, and freebies can be your lead magnet. In some ways, freebies follow the same underlying principle as gated content:you get something valuable but only after you share some personal information.

If you are running a service-based business, offering free trials is one of the best ways to generate leads. 

For example, if you have developed a brand new video editing tool, giving a free trial is a great option for multiple reasons. 

First, if your tool is good, the free trial will help in word-of-mouth marketing. 

Second, having access to limited functionalities evokes curiosity in people to see what the complete version would look like. Ultimately, free trials are great for finding out about the shortcomings of your service.

The same principle applies to product-based businesses as well, but free trials are replaced by free samples. When it's a product to be introduced, laptop mockups can be used to present it to the audience.

Partner with other brands

Brands and businesses can grow together in synergy, especially if they are in complementary niches. 

For instance, a canvas manufacturing company can benefit greatly from a partnership with a paint manufacturing company because both businesses have the same target customer base in most cases.

Engaging in collaboration is among the best strategies for lead generation. 

Apart from giving a better platform to target similar customers, collaborations also introduce your business to a completely new demographic group. Since your partner brand also gets the same benefits, it’s a mutually beneficial deal in every sense of the term.

Partnerships and collaborations, when done correctly, can be very effective tools for lead generation. We can see top businesses and brands collaborating all the time, especially now that collaborations have become much easier to execute. 

Make the most of it to generate more leads and get more customers. 

Do not ignore customer retention

Every business needs to find new customers - that’s a given for every marketing campaign. However, what we tend to forget is that your existing customers matter equally, if not more. 

Try to retain existing clients as much as possible, and do not ignore them in the process of lead generation.

Customers who already have a relationship with your business will find it comfortable to transact with you in the future. But that’s not all. Your existing customers are also the most vital tool for word-of-mouth marketing. With so many benefits and possibilities, focusing on customer retention is one of the most important things for your business.Therefore implementing customer onboarding software is a crucial step to increase retention.

Retaining customers can often be easier than getting new customers. But it demands attention on the business’s part, especially taking note of complaints and feedback. If you do it correctly, your existing pool of customers will become the most effective lead generation tool for you.

Focus on copywriting

create high quality content

It might seem simple and obvious, but words have more power than we realize.

A single good ad is often better than an entire marketing campaign. There’s nothing wrong with an old-school advertisement, be it through billboards advertising, pamphlets, or social media and television. Don’t be under the illusion that organic marketing is the only thing that works.

Copywriting is a broad field that includes writing copies for advertisements. You’d be surprised to see the results of good copywriting. Even when you are not focusing on ads and instead working on organic content marketing, having a good copywriter is a blessing.

In the present era of information overload, good advertising is all about conveying maximum information in minimum time. 

Sometimes simple ad copies do a better job in it than elaborate video ads. Invest in a copywriter to see an immediate improvement in your lead generation rates and marketing campaigns. 

Optimize your website

In 2022, if you want to know about a brand or business, the first thing you’ll do is Google it. Now if your website doesn’t even appear on the first page, your SEO needs to improve significantly. 

But that’s not all. If your website is not good enough, people won’t hang on long enough.

Various studies talk about the 3-second rule for websites. What it implies is that viewers will pay attention to your website for not more than 3 seconds. If you can catch their attention within those 3 minutes, you’re potentially losing a customer.

Optimizing your website involves technical aspects like optimizing it for mobile and making sure the site does not take a long time to load. 

Beyond that, the content and visual layout of the website also play a key role. Getting each of these things right is important to generate leads continuously. 

Go all out on social media

Social media is the best marketing tool if you use it correctly. Think about all the things you can do in social media marketing. 

From sharing content on Instagram to more formal pitch decks on Linkedin, there’s so much you can do on social media. With the advent of ready-to-use presentation deck templates, entering Linkedin marketing is easier than ever.

Social media marketing works so well because you get your personal space to interact with customers. It’s a single destination for queries, complaints, feedback, promotions, and a lot more. Once you start leveraging social media marketing, you can expect to significantly improve lead generation rates.

The principles of optimization and precise copywriting apply to social media marketing as well. Your air is to reach and engage as many people as possible. 

Accomplishing that with guesswork alone is not possible. You need social media experts who understand the pulse of the platform and can help you with posting at the right time for the right people.


We hope this guide will help you develop a lead generation strategy that works for your business. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are doing it in the capacity of an entrepreneur or a marketer, the strategies remain the same. Follow the fundamentals of these lead generation strategies to have the best results.

About the Author


Shahid Shahmiri, Digital Marketer

Shahid Shahmiri is a digital marketer by profession. He helps online businesses to grow with smart marketing tactics to achieve better sales and leads. He is passionately focused and driven to grow businesses online and can manage the marketing and lead generation process with proven tactics and experiments. Shahid is accountable for analyzing marketing, SEO, growth and dealing with all promotional and media channels.