4 Actionable Steps To Start Marketing Your Business As A New Freelancer

Launching a freelancing business is an amazing opportunity to gain personal and professional freedom, and to start leveling up your income. However, many freelancers face a slow start to their business. 

Marketing plan

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To help you gain traction, attract clients, and grow your business, we’ve rounded up four actionable steps to market yourself as a freelancer. Let’s dive right in. 

Get a Website 

As a first step, you need to set up a website for your freelancing business. In the business world, your website is your calling card. It’s here that you showcase your skills, outline your services, and let potential clients know how to contact you. 

Plus, building a website is no longer a complicated or expensive in 2024. Drag-and-drop website builders come with countless templates you can personalize to suit your branding, and most hosting providers offer affordable plans at only a few dollars a month. 

All it takes is a little time and the wherewithal to follow a YouTube tutorial, and you’ll be able to set up an eye-catching, professional website for your freelancing business. 

Build Your Portfolio 

At the same time as you build your website, you also need to build your portfolio - so that you actually have something to showcase online. 

Finding clients can be tricky if you don’t have any finished projects to show off. One strategy to get a few initial projects under your belt is to cast around your circle of friends and family to see if someone needs your services. 

Building a portfolio is as important as building a website

Source: Google Images

Say you’re an aspiring freelance photographer or graphic designer. See if someone you know - or someone your friends or family know - is getting married or launching a business.

Offer them your services at discounted rates or pro-bono - in return for a testimonial and permission to feature the results in your portfolio. Using an online portfolio maker can help you present your work beautifully, making it easier to attract potential clients and showcase your skills effectively.

Leverage Social Media

Next up, there’s social media. In 2024, platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube are part of most business’ digital marketing strategy. This especially goes for freelancers, as they’re easily accessible and free to use, unlike most business marketing platforms. 

However, which social media platforms in particular you can leverage depends on your niche and your target audience. 

Are you starting a bookkeeping business? Then targeting LinkedIn and the professional networks it offers is a great starting point. 

Are you an aspiring video editor? Then showcasing your skills on YouTube and in short-form edits on TikTok and Instagram Reels is the way to go. 

The key is to concentrate your efforts. Creating content for social media is work-intensive. It’s  therefore better to focus on a few platforms and engage your audience there - instead of spreading yourself too thin and become inconsistent.   

A final key strategy for social media platforms: Make sure your bio says that you’re a freelancer open to work, and always link to your website. 

Showcase Your Expertise on Blogs and in Vlogs 

Another tried-and-tested strategy to promote your business is to demonstrate your expertise on blogs and in vlogs. 

You can launch a blog on your own website - which can also help you rank in search engines. However, for maximum exposure, it’s better to become a guest author in existing publications, which already have a large built-in audience. 

These can be industry blogs, local news outlets, or even publications on Medium. The key is to write about topics directly relevant to your work, and to show your readers that you’re a seasoned expert. 


Source: Google Images

Say you’re launching a freelance copywriting business. Write about how to optimize text on business homepages for search engines, or about recent trends in social media copy. Or go on a deep-dive into the nuances of Millennial internet lingo and how it can help businesses connect with potential customers. Chances are, someone looking for a copywriter will come across your article, be impressed with your knowledge, and reach out. 

Are you in a more visual niche, like video editing or graphic design? Then you might want to focus on vlogging instead of blogging. Post a break-down of how you create eye-catching effects or stunning artwork on YouTube, or a time-lapse version on Instagram.  


Gaining traction as a new freelancer can be hard. By following the strategies above, you’ll be able to market your new business. Establish your online presence on social media and your own website, build your portfolio and showcase your expertise on blogs and in vlogs. All this will help you grow your client base and help your business flourish.

About the Author


Vibhu Dhariwal, Director of Marketing at Digital Gratified Pvt. Ltd.

Vibhu Dhariwal is Co-Founder & Director of Marketing at Digital Gratified. He likes sharing his experience in outreach marketing, link building, content marketing, and SEO with readers.