7 Types of Content to Put Behind Your Landing Pages for Increased Lead Generation

Cost-effective lead generation that allows your business to capture high-quality leads that have a genuine likelihood of converting into customers of your brand can be a tremendous challenge. According to a 2021 Wpromote report 60% of B2B companies have wasted resources trying to generate leads. 59% have missed revenue opportunities. And 45% have had difficulty creating engaging content that allows them to attract quality leads.

The data clearly shows that the secret to increased lead generation is to have a solid strategy in place. If you've optimized your landing pages and ensured a smooth UX on your website, it might not be a bad idea to start thinking about content. Without further ado, here are the seven types of content to put behind your landing pages for increased lead generation.

Contests and Rewards

One of the easiest ways to generate more leads for your business is to organize contests or give away rewards. Data from 2023 shows that Facebook giveaways generate 1800% more engagement than standard posts, so using contests to incentivize your target audience with your brand makes for an excellent lead-generation idea.

When employing this type of content on your landing pages, you can go in several directions. In some cases, a standard giveaway will do great. However, if you want your content to contribute to your lead-generation efforts in the long run, a spin-the-wheel popup or even a mystery discount offer — like the one on the Burga homepage — can add a dose of excitement to your landing pages and help generate more leads.

Contests and Rewards

Newsletter Subscriptions

Consumers — especially young buyers, according to Edelman — trust experts more than traditional authorities like CEOs, influencers, or celebrities. So, if you want to gain their trust and encourage them to convert, one of the types of content you could put behind your landing pages is newsletter subscriptions. Newsletters equip your audience with high-quality content on a weekly/monthly basis, but they also hugely benefit your brand. They give you a prime opportunity to gently nurture leads into loyal customers of your brand.

The great thing about newsletter subscriptions is that they're super-easily added to any landing page.Nonetheless, if you're looking for higher-than-average lead-generation results, do your best to support your subscription invitations with social proof. Take a look at how it's done on the Smash.vc Startup Newsletter landing page.

Tech startup newsletter

Free Trials

Sometimes, your landing page visitors will be consumers in the lower stages of the sales funnel, looking for hands-on information about how your solutions could fit their needs. And while they may be intrigued by your brand's offer, they might need additional info to determine whether your product is the best way to solve their pain points.

In these cases, the best content to put behind your landing pages is a simple free trial sign-up page. By optimizing your USP — like Aura did in the example below — and highlighting the fact that prospects can gain access to your product for free, with no strings attached, you can effectively generate high-quality leads. You can then turn those leads into long-term customers by ensuring an engaging onboarding period and a positive customer experience.

Content behind landing pages

Ebooks and Whitepapers

Ebooks and whitepapers are some of the best types of landing page content to invest in to generate leads. These resources allow you to prove your expertise without being limited by time or space constraints. On top of that, they also allow you to provide your audience with valuable insights and advice that they're guaranteed to appreciate.

And while the effort that goes into producing this type of long-form content is greater than what you'd need to put in to write an insightful article, research shows that investing in ebooks and whitepapers pays off. According to MonsterInsights, gated content conversion rates go as high as 45%, more than 10x better than the average landing page CR.

So, if you want to invest in content that will contribute to lead generation and help you prove your brand's expertise and authority, you might want to create an ebook that delivers relevant information to your target audience. Moreover, do your best to position this content in a place that's guaranteed to be seen by web visitors. For instance, eTraining positions its free 110-page OSHA manual right below the hero section of its homepage. There, it has an almost 100% chance of being noticed by web visitors, thus maximizing the element's conversion potential.

Safety training

Original Research and Data Reports

Another excellent way to deliver value through gated content is to give your audience access to original research and data reports. This type of content is especially useful for B2B brands, seeing that professional users regularly seek out original insights and data that can help them achieve their goals.

One of the best examples of a business that uses data and original research to generate leads comes from McKinsey. This consulting firm has built a stellar reputation in the professional community largely thanks to the reports and insights it publishes regularly. However, what stands out about the brand's approach to lead generation is that it gives most of the information away for free — without requiring web visitors' information in return.

So, while full access to most documents does necessitate a conversion, this strategy allows McKinsey to continually attract new leads, wowing a large audience with the quality of the data, then slowly nudging web visitors towards signing up for a newsletter and gently nurturing them into potential customers.

Original research and data reports

Buying Guides

If you look at consumer behavior data, you'll see that 59.2% of people go online to find information, while 43.2% of buyers use the Internet to research products and services. So, if you're looking to boost lead generation (or conversions, for that matter), consider creating landing pages that take the form of buying guides.

The reason for investing in this type of content is simple. When researching products and services, people will almost always visit pages that rank high on SERPs. In fact, research found that the #1 result on Google was 10x more likely to get a click than the #10 result. And even more, only .63% of users clicked on a link on the second page of Google results, showing how essential SEO optimization is for attracting web visitors.

But how does this relate to landing pages? Well, by using long-form content — like the Best Adjustable Beds of 2023 buying guide from Each Night — brands can effectively create hyper-relevant landing pages that attract prospects with highly specific pain points. Then, thanks to the wealth of information provided via the content, the businesses can position multiple convincing CTAs, repeating them as often as needed, consequently maximizing the chances of readers converting into high-quality leads.

Buying guides

Interactive Tools

Last but not least, when looking to enrich landing pages with content that can boost lead generation, it's not a bad idea to consider the use of interactive tools. According to data, interactive content is 52.6% more engaging than its static counterparts. So, knowing that web visitors are more likely to pay attention to these elements on landing pages, they can be an exciting way to capture more leads while allowing prospects to get value in exchange for their contact information.

One of the best examples of a brand using interactive tools to capture leads comes from Going. On its Cheap Flights page, this business allows people to search for cheap flights from their preferred airport. While choosing an origin location provides web visitors with four examples of affordable flights they can book, the CTA right below the interactive element invites users tired of searching to "Get going" and receive personalized flight alerts in the inbox instead.

This is an ingenious way to capture leads, seeing that the interactive element gives prospects an attractive taster of what they can expect from the brand, all the while pointing out that Going's free service makes for the easiest way to find and book affordable flights.

Cheap flights


There you have it, some of the best types of content to put behind your landing pages for increased lead generation. To capture more leads, you can implement any (or all) of the techniques mentioned in this article. And seeing how simple it is to measure the success of your lead generation tactics, you can easily adjust any of these strategies so that they appeal to your target audience and help you ensure better outcomes.

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.