Automate Marketing to establish long-lasting customer relationships
In business sales, just a very small amount of leads straight away convert into a deal.
Companies need at least a few follow-ups to establish trust with a prospect to achieve a sale. For B2B sales, 80% of deals close between the 5th and 12th contact with the potential customer.
Now, there are two essential questions every business needs to think about:
1) How can make the first 12 follow-ups as effective and efficient as possible?
2) What do I do with leads that never convert or turned cold?
Manage Different Leads With ActiveCampaign Automation
The first group are warm leads that are most likely the ones that convert to sales.
The second group are those types of leads that might not have the need right now, but could still be interested in future. It can also include previous customers that could potentially turn into a client again in future. Or it's simply those leads that have never take any action, but they are still on your list.
This is where marketing automation kicks in. It's the process of building automated follow-up systems to increase your chances to squeeze more deals from your leads and to establish long-lasting customer relationships.
For both groups (Warm leads) and leads that turned cold, you can use email marketing, 100% automated, yet super effective and personalized. We will walk you through the process of setting up email funnels using ActiveCampaign and show you how we get results of 70% email open rates.
We have built an email nurture sequence for our agency leads that runs for more than 12 months to ensure we keep everyone in the loop and help as many customers as we can.
Active campaign CRM automation provides endless opportunities, in both complexities and scale. You can have email lists linked to your CRM system with thousands of leads and customers, all automated.
Managing a business need lots of attention, staff, and techniques. It takes lots of hard work and time. Like, managing a gym business is not easy because the owner has to look after so many aspects of the business.
But business management techniques have changed according to the modern era. Business owners can use Wellyx automation software to manage all aspects of the business more accurately and efficiently without any fear of error. Also, this software can save time for gym owners, staff, and customers.
ActiveCampaign Automation Strategy
Listen in to this conversation between Chris and Waseem, in which we also go on a screen share and show you the entire email marketing funnel and the strategy behind it!
Introduction: 00:00 - 01:00
Your Salesperson On Autopilot - Marketing Automation: 01:16 - 03:18
Who needs Marketing Automation?: 03:18 - 04:44
Signs Your Company Needs Marketing Automation: 05:01 - 06:17
Marketing Automation Softwares: 06:17 - 07:57
Active Campaign vs. Hubspot? The Top Priority For Small Businesses: 08:00 - 08:54
Your Business On Autopilot - Marketing Automation: 09:19 - 20:44
ActiveCampaign Automation: 21:07 - 26:08
Value vs. Offers Ratio in Your Email Marketing: 21:07 - 29:27
How to automatically prefill a form based on CRM variables in an emailing: 29:27 - 31:04
Is Email Marketing Dead? Here's all you need to know: 35:31 - 36:42
Why You Should Make Email Marketing a Priority: 36:42 - 39:30
If you are interested in email marketing automation for your business or got more questions about it, visit Waseem's marketing agency Apexure
Here is the link Waseem referred to in the podcast.
Waseem's recommended Automation Platform is ActiveCampaign: