How Proposal Software Boosts Lead Conversion Rates?

In a competitive marketplace, closing client deals isn’t just about offering exceptional service. A potential client must also know how you stand out from the crowd. As a professional services firm, trust, expertise and personalized approach matter for client acquisition and retention.

A proposal is often the first insight a potential client has into your competence. The challenge? Making an impression while communicating your value and expertise coherently.

Closing a client deal in the services space is much more complex than selling physical products - clients often want to understand your offerings beyond simply features, specs or price. They are evaluating your team’s ability to solve unique challenges.

Here’s where your proposal comes in: it must be nuanced to reflect how your solutions can streamline and eliminate their obstacles. A proposal software will give you the edge to demonstrate your distinctive style of problem-solving. You can create professional, compelling and branded proposals with a personalized touch.

Instead of using valuable time for mundane tasks like manual data entry, your team can shift focus to what truly matters - a customized pitch that can help you connect with clients and win more business.

Proposal Software

What Does A Proposal Software Offer?

About 86% of employees waste time on routine tasks that can be automated. 40% of them spend more than an hour each day on administrative tasks such as data entry and creating proposals from scratch. That’s quite some billable hours lost! Moreover, manual proposal creation is replete with room for errors and miscommunication.

When you submit a proposal with errors, you’re jeopardizing your reputation not just with that client, but with future ones too because word travels fast. A proposal software can eliminate many of these issues and offer a ton of other benefits.

Higher Proposal Win Rates

Perhaps the most significant benefit of a proposal software is the proven research on how it can improve win rates. Through efficient content management, collaboration, dozens of customizable proposal templates and integrations, a proposal software improves client acquisition by up to 30%.

Quicker Proposal Creation With Higher Accuracy

Automating proposal creation can eliminate inefficiencies in the process that manual processes create. For instance, according to research, a mid-sized firm that implemented a proposal software reduced time spent on creating proposals by 40% while another IT services company reduced it by 50%!

Automated proposals also have fewer errors because of pre-populated templates, auto-populated data, version control and legal checks.

Proposal Automation

Better Collaboration Among Teams

Proposal creation requires collaboration among different teams such as sales, client management or marketing. Often, getting everyone on the same page is tricky. Moreover, as work culture changes, remote workers and teams that are geographically dispersed are becoming much more common.

In such cases, it is imperative that all members working on a project are able to access project details easily. A proposal software allows for seamless workflows through centralized document libraries, version regulation (where all team members can access the latest version of the proposal), real-time collaboration and deadline management.

Easier and Consistent Pricing

Using proposal software, you can also streamline your pricing and billing processes. The best proposal software include automated pricing tools that can import from pre-set pricing pages and product catalogs.

This cuts out the risk of manual pricing mistakes. Apart from this, integration with CRM systems can allow for dynamic pricing based on client profiles, past contracts and deal size. The improved accuracy builds trust with clients and also speeds up their decision-making process.

Data-Driven Insights

Most advanced proposal software offer analytical tools that can provide important insights to improve their proposals. For instance, Cone’s proposal software offers an analytics dashboard to monitor proposal status, conversion rates, pipeline and revenue.

Such data-driven insights provide feedback loops to help create more impactful proposals that ultimately lead to higher win rates and even improved revenue. With Cone’s proposal software, you can boost revenue by up to 27%!

Data Driven Insights


A proposal software isn’t just a technological tool - it’s an investment in your business’s future and commitment to your clients. If you are in the professional services industry, then it is a must-have in today’s world.

When choosing the right proposal software for your business, look for one that meets your business needs, has ample automation features such as proposal creation or tracking, integrates well with your existing CRM, has collaboration tools and analytics.

Also, look for software that supports your unique industry needs. For instance, if you are an accountant, you may want to use a customizable accounting proposal template or a bookkeeping proposal template.

Similarly, if you are a marketing firm something like a logo design proposal or something could be a starting point. By using proposal software, you get all this and much more!

You can create and send impactful proposals in under 10 seconds, e-sign your proposals, manage sales pipelines and renew expiring proposals with a single click! Why wait? Start using a proposal software now to win more clients and take your business to the next level.

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.