The Future of Lead Generation: Integrating AI into Your Website Strategy

If your business isn’t growing fast, it’s slowly dying off. Luckily, lead generation daily is sure to make things brighter. The great thing is that now AI is here to make things way easier, faster, and simpler for you.

 Integrating AI into Your Website Strategy

Using artificial intelligence to generate leads is now standard practice for marketers. For example, it’s a smart move to optimize these 4 key components of lead generation with AI:

a. Lead capture 

b. Lead qualification

c. Lead magnets

d. Lead segmentation

However, only a small number of marketers know how to use AI for lead generation properly.

Therefore, we will discuss the top 6 strategies for doing this.

1. Create Content of Value with Custom LLM 

Content creation is probably one of the most time-consuming repetitive tasks in marketing and lead gen. With current technologies, it’s easy to generate blogs, social media posts, and other marketing content quickly. However, the quality of such content is not always the best. 

That’s because you are using generic prompts or untrained large language models. Take it one step further. Hire a professional large language model development company to develop a custom solution for you. Such LLM can produce high-quality content that attracts and engages potential leads, saving your team tons of time.

2. Do a Personalized Outreach with AI

The more messages you send, the more replies you are going to get, right? No! The more personalized message you send, the more leads will show interest in your pitch. Personalization is the king of cold outreach. And that’s where AI shines. Use ChatGPT or other tools to create a killer copy for you.

Personalized Outreach with AI

Then, you can use automation software like Make or Zapier to connect your CRM with your email service provider and configure them to send messages to your prospects on your behalf with customized variables. Alternatively, it’s possible to use Lemlist or add it to the stack of the tools mentioned above. Lemlist allows you to personalize custom images in your emails. This is cool, especially if your SDR takes, let’s say, a selfie with 2 cups of cuppa. On one of the cups, you can write the prospect's name.

3. Capture and Qualify Leads with AI Chatbots 

Getting traffic to your website with ads, outreach, or inbound content marketing isn’t enough. The next thing you need to do is to capture leads from this traffic and qualify them. Chatbots are amazing tools for these tasks.

Now, you can connect OpenAI API or API of any other LLM with a chatbot on your website. It’s also possible to train your chatbot on your business data. There are so many great things you can do with chatbots and AI! 

Want some inspiration for your marketing? Check the use case of chatbots by Drift, described in this article. 

Plus, you can use a Chatbot on your website to nurture your leads with content from your blog, directing them to the most suitable articles to match their needs. The chatbot will ask them a few questions, identify where they are currently at (top of the funnel, bottom of the funnel, or middle of the funnel), and pop up the links to your blogs to direct them to valuable content. 

4. Create Amazing Lead Magnets with AI

Lead magnets are amazing for lead gen. That’s because they warm up your leads and help you get their emails that you can use for future communication with them. With the help of generative AI, creating incredible lead magnets is way easier. First of all, AI is great for lead magnet ideation. It’ll give you many fresh ideas and unique angles to make your content valuable and personalized for your target demographic. 

Here are examples of great lead gen magnets for your business:

a. Checklists

b. Case Studies

c. eBooks

d. Guides

e. White papers

f. Templates

g. Free email courses

h. Bonus packs

i. Workbooks

j. Resource libraries

k. Webinars

Feel free to use gen AI to create both visual and written content for all these lead magnets or use AI tools to condense info into excellent case studies or white papers. You’ve got a lot of options with generative AI in this regard. And guess what? The beauty lies in your ability to nail your lead generation magnets faster than ever. 

5. Do Lead Scoring with AI

Feed AI the key info, such as previous interactions with your leads that converted, demographics of your ICPs, and behavior, and ask it to score your new leads for you. In a matter of minutes, AI will indicate the likelihood of indicated leads converting. Many businesses are already using it in their lead gen. 

You can set up a predictive AI lead scoring system using Chat GPT, Zapeir, and your CRM. Test, iterate, and improve. It’s worth it, as it’ll save you tons of time. 

6. Ask AI to Analyze Old Data for You

Great marketing is all about constant improvements. If you do a little bit better with every new marketing campaign, you are already winning. The same is true for lead gen campaigns. And that’s where AI is amazingly useful as well. Collect all the data you have about your previous lead generation campaigns and feed it back to Chat GPT or another generative AI. Then, ask it to analyze it for you and give you ideas on how to improve. 

Analyze Old Data Using AI

This is a real goldmine for marketers! AI will quickly identify the patterns and connect the dots for you. It’ll give you a lot of insights on how to make your next lead-gen campaign a killer. And the best part? Now, you can do it cheaper and faster. There is no need to hire expensive data analysts. Great, right? For sure. 

Final Words

Here you have it. 6 unique ways to make AI work for you to facilitate your lead gen and make your next campaign better. Let’s quickly recap what you can do with it. Create fantastic content faster. Send personalized outreach messages. Capture, qualify, and nurture leads with chatbots. Do lead scoring. Create incredible lead magnets. Analyze old data and ask for ideas on how to make things better.

About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.