Ultimate Guide to Using SEO for Website Lead Generation

Using SEO represents an effective way of attracting the organic traffic and getting the leads. This ultimate guide will help you to understand how to use SEO for proper leads generation. In the contemporary age of digital marketing, the proper use of SEO might mean a lot for marketing and sales of business’s goods and services to potential clients.

SEO for website lead generation

1.  Keyword Research

Keywords research is the bedrock on which any form of search engine optimization is built on. Find out what your audience is looking for, using Keyword research tools and integrate the results into your material. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush must be utilized to look for keywords that have high monthly searches, but minimal competition.

2. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO relates to the optimization of every single webpage in the site to rank higher and attract more appropriate traffic. This incorporates a proper selection of Meta tags, headers, images, and content of the site. Make sure your primary keywords are used in these aspects without having to cram the keywords in.

3. Content Marketing

This leads to the fact that content is all important when speaking of SEO. Develop high-quality material that solves your target market’s problems. It may mean a blog post, an article, a video, infographics, or whatnot. Quality content not only gets the attention of the visitors but also engages them to spend more time on your site and hence improve the possibility of converting them.

4. Test iOS Apps on Real Devices

For businesses dealing with iOS, it is important to make certain that your launched apps are tested on real devices. This ensures a smooth customer experience and this directly influences your ranking position and consequently your leads. Here’s why:

OS apps on real devices in leads

a. Improved User Experience: Such applications can perform on real devices, consequently, the users will appreciate the experience, and they will give high reviews and ratings. Normally users give some feedback on how much they loved an app and how it helped them and this will help in getting more app downloads.

b. Reduced Bounce Rates: By doing so, a more tested App will mean fewer instances of crashes or bugs that can quickly disengage users from your App. This means the bounce rates are reduced, which informs the search engine that the users find the app useful and, therefore a better ranking.

c. Higher Conversion Rates: If the users have a stuck-free and glitch-free experience in your app, they are likely to use it more often, go for the desired action, and become leads. This is a positive interaction which in turn can lead to referral and word–of–mouth publicity.

This way, the iOS app is tested on a real device, which helps to maximize the quality of its interaction with users, and thus has a positive impact on users’ satisfaction and your SEO ranking.

5. Mobile Optimization

Drawing upon the findings of the first section, it is clear that to get a website utilized right now it cannot remain unresponsive to mobile devices. Make sure your website is mobile friendly or at least has a responsive design which adapts to different devices. Google has made changes to its algorithm that puts immense emphasis on mobile-friendly websites; therefore, implementing mobile optimization enhances the company’s SEO strategy tremendously.

6. Local SEO

If your business is aimed at people and companies in a specific region, it is necessary to increase visibility in local search. Make sure your business is on Google My Business and other directory listings. Use regional keywords in your content and also appeal to your customers to post positive feedback on the services you were offered.

Local search for website lead generation

7. Backlink Building

Backlinks are links from third party sites to your sites. This is why they are so important in SEO, because they act like a billboard letting the search engines know your content is worth it and credible. Try to concentrate on getting backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites relevant to your business. Guest blogging, content sharing, and getting in touch with influencers will go a long way to establishing your backlink.

8. Technical SEO

Technical SEO deals with making changes in the structure of a website hence enhancing its qualities as far as the search engine is concerned. This also entails managing factors such as the general site speed, designing XML sitemaps, microdata and markups, and site security (HTTPS). It is also recommendable to perform occasional audits on the site in order to uncover any technical hitches that may have occurred.

9. User Experience (UX)

If you provide a good experience to the users, more of them will spend time on your site and the bounce rate will decrease which is good for SEO. Make the browser's navigation comfortable; make your website good-looking; present interesting and useful information. A good UX helps the visitors to remain longer on your site than on other sites and have higher probabilities of being leads.

User experience (UX) in website leads

10. Analytics and Adjustments

Always assess the effectiveness of SEO using tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Its’ metrics include the organic traffic, bounce rates, conversion rates, and the ranking of the keywords. You can use this data to make necessary alterations on your SEO activities hence optimally improving the results in the long run.


Executed correctly, these SEO strategies will increase traffic to business websites since most Internet users seek genuine information and would prefer clicking on genuine links as opposed to publications.

Unlike other techniques in marketing, SEO is something that needs to be worked on and modified constantly due to the dynamic nature of the internet. Still, the outcomes generated by the implementation of such improvements are so valuable that they guarantee long-term development and prosperity of businesses.


About the Author


Christopher Lier, CMO LeadGen App

Christopher is a specialist in Conversion Rate Optimisation and Lead Generation. He has a background in Corporate Sales and Marketing and is active in digital media for more than 5 Years. He pursued his passion for entrepreneurship and digital marketing and developed his first online businesses since the age of 20, while still in University. He co-founded LeadGen in 2018 and is responsible for customer success, marketing and growth.